Are Your Property Taxes Too High?

Oct 27, 2023 | Property Tax

Do you own property in Texas and feel like your taxes are too high? If so, you’re not alone! Property taxes in Texas can be exorbitant, and many property owners don’t know they can protest their property values to lower what they pay in property taxes. This has been an issue that has been going on for some time and most people are not aware of the procedures that should be followed regarding the matter.

         In Texas, taxpayers have the right to protest the appraisal district’s actions concerning their property, including the amount of property taxes they owe. Basically, the process of protesting your property taxes is known as an “appraisal protest” or “appraisal review.” The first step in the protest process is to understand the appraisal district’s methods. Tasked with the provision of the information on the procedural process of the appraisal process is the Texas Comptroller of Public.  Accounts. (Placyk et al., 2019). Additionally, specific information on protest rights and procedures is found at Section 41.41 of the Property Tax Code.

         Under normal circumstances, the deadline for filing protests is usually on 15th of May but be very careful because there are incidents where this date can change. Ideally, the property owner must request a review by that date. The request must be in writing and include details about the property owner’s name, address, and contact information. Once the request is filed, an Appraisal Review Board (ARB) is convened to hear the property owner’s protest. (Appraiser & Officer, 2022). Normally, the ARB is made up of a panel of three members – two appointed by the county and one appointed by the appraisal district. The ARB will listen to the owner’s evidence and testimony to determine if the appraised value of the property should be lowered. The ARB can also consider evidence from both the owner and the appraisal district. If the ARB decides that the appraised value should be lowered, the taxes on the property will be adjusted accordingly. However, if the ARB rules against the property owner, the owner can still appeal the decision to a district court. This is something that has been included within the ARB rules and one needs to follow the protocol that has been enacted when articulating on the matter.

          In conclusion, the process of protesting property taxes in Texas may seem daunting, but it is worth the effort if you can save on your taxes. An experience attorney, such as myself, Lisa Uresti, can help you understand the process and assist you in preparing your protest. It is important to remember that protesting your taxes can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, so don’t wait—take action now to lower your taxes.

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